Here is the few steps that you need to go through in order to get an automatic email notification when a new post is published.
First, you need to create an account on the site.
GO to the [Login] section, the [registration] to create your user account. All fileds are compulsory.
Name = Firstname + Lastname for instance.
Username = The pseudo you want to use to connect the site.
Password = is your desired password
Confirm password = same as above
Email Address = hmm, your email.
Confirm Email Address = idem
Captcha = to ensure you are a real human being, please write what you read there.
Then click to [Register]. A confirmation email is being sent to you with an activation link. Once you activated your account, you will be able to use it to log in.
Once inside the site, you can obviously edit your profile, change your password to eventually reset it.
Now you can subscribe to the blog clicking the [Subscribe to Blog] link on the top right corner of posts. A message confirms you all is ok.